The Path to Healing YourĀ Inner Child Course


Are you ready to heal hidden trauma, triggers +Ā dissolve old wounds keeping you stuck?

For self healers who are overwhelmed yet determined to dissolve deep patterns of feeling unworthy, anxious or lonely.

Finally move beyond emotionally unavailable relationships, unfulfilling careers + feeling held back in your life.Ā 

Specifically designed + self paced, Jen Peters expertly guides you through each step in both digital form + book form.

Feel emotionally balanced + confident in setting healthy boundaries + attracting what you want with ease.


Heal Your Inner Child with Proven Guided Healings + the # 1 New Release Companion Book: Coming Home The Path to Healing Your Inner ChildĀ 



Hereā€™s what this teacher has to say about Jenā€™s multidimensional healing:


The work I’ve done with Jen Peters has changed my life in so many ways and is better than any therapy I’ve ever done before. Jen has a way of getting right to the root of the problem and dissolving it. 

I’m now able to say ‘no’ and assert boundaries without feeling guilty.  I feel confident in my self worth and in removing myself from toxic situations and people without the need to explain myself and I feel happy and whole within myself - no longer chasing love. 

- Ashleigh, Self Healer + Wellness Teacher, WA.

So many self healers try to ā€œdo the deeper work,ā€ but donā€™t see or feel results...most wonder where to start.

The Truth is that healing your past trauma, dissolving old patterns + wounds isn’t an easy process to do on your own. 

Many self healers begin the healing journey but get stuck with emotional ups + downs, overwhelm, anxiety + feeling like they’re missing something.

Healing past trauma (inner child healing) requires a very specific + intricate skillset, it can take years to learn how to properly facilitate a session that creates deep + lasting results.

You’re not alone in feeling stuck.  If you’re determined + committed to heal, you can.

If you’re up late wondering:

  • Why do I experience such emotional ups + downs?
  • Why am I overwhelmed trying to figure out the best way to heal?
  • Will I ever finally feel the deep peace + confidence I desire?
  • Will I ever be free from loneliness deep inside me?
  • I’ve tried for years to heal, what’s blocking me?
  • Will I ever get to be in an emotionally available, healthy + deeply loving + secure relationship? 

… I see you + I invite you to go a little deeper with me.

Does this sound familiar too?

  • You’ve got to ‘Do the Work’ - yet no one tells you HOW to do the work or how to process + integrate
  • You spend months or even years + thousands of dollars on therapy - yet it feels like you’ve barely scratched the surface or still struggle with your triggers, trauma + old patterns holding you back
  • You’ve read the books + have been working with therapists but it’s not working + you’re wondering “Is it just me? Is it them? Is it the plan or modality?”

You’re not alone, many self healers are frustrated - they want lasting results. Some stay in toxic situations + toxic relationships with themselves + others because old patterns aren’t dissolved. 

Behind closed doors, they wonder, “Why can’t I do this?”

When you know deep down, lasting real healing is available, yet when you keep showing up to do the work, it doesn’t feel like it’s working, it brings you to a very important question…

“What am I really missing from my healing journey?”

From Codependent + Broken After Narcissistic Relationships To Helping 1000ā€™s To Heal As Leading Expert.

Hello, if we havenā€™t met before, Iā€™m Jen Peters.

For decades, I was severely codependent + a magnet for attracting narcissistic relationships.Ā 

Like so many of my clients, I remember showing up to my first healing session full of uncertainty yet knowing deep down I really needed help.

My world had crumbled, I lost my husband, my home, our friends + what I thought was my future all at once. I had to begin recovering from the narcissistic abuse + manage as a single mom to my son. I left without a job or even any idea of how to begin to rebuild my life...

But that single decision to begin to heal completely changed my life well beyond anything I could have ever possibly imagined. When I think back to my ā€œbefore,ā€ hereā€™s what Iā€™d say to you and herā€¦

ā€œMy love...there is so much more for you...there is a life on the other side of this that you canā€™t even imagine. Itā€™s all waiting for you.ā€

Healing from these experiences + deep childhood traumas has given me the depth of understanding thatā€™s needed to facilitate lasting healing results for others. Itā€™s led me to this sacred work.

As a Multidimensional Healer, I specialize in dissolving your childhood trauma + dysfunctional programming deep within your subconscious mind.Ā 

When a sacred + loving space is created to heal, the right foundation is created to begin this intricate process. When you're expertly guided + ready to do the work, there'sĀ incredibleĀ freedom from the emotional trauma, triggers + old wounds that were never yours to carry in the first place.

We all deserve a healing plan that fully supports our unique needs + helps us unlock, access + integrate all thatā€™s possibleā€¦thatā€™s why Iā€™ve created this programĀ and written Coming Home: The Path to Healing Your Inner Child.

What The Path to Healing Your Inner Child Course + Coming Home Book does for those who are ready to activate deep healing:

The healings + teachings Iā€™ll guide you through have been distilled from more than 11,000 hours of work through my global practice, specialising in inner child healing deep within the subconscious mind.

And your Coming Home: The Path to Healing Your Inner Child book is the self healers companion to the digital course, giving you more resources, more tools, more techniques and more wisdom to activate the healer within you and to initiate the healing that is available for you.

Iā€™ll guide you from feeling stuck on your healing journey to feeling fully supported as I hold your hand through deep + lasting change.

Weā€™ll dissolve + heal past parts of you that were never seen or understood as a child. Parts that experienced abandonment or didnā€™t receive the love, connection or care you deserve.Ā 

Once activated, youā€™ll experience lasting deep peace + enjoy a life untethered from whatā€™s no longer serving you. This is how you experience self mastery + the deepest kinds of love, freedom + connections.

Hereā€™s how this program supports you:


Inside this self-paced course and companion book youā€™ll be guided to dissolve areas where you feel triggered orĀ stuck.


Once dissolved, you'll transcend old barriers, embody your elevated self + unlock greater success in your relationships, career, home life, +Ā personal growth.

Through The Path to Healing Your Inner Child Course and Coming Home book, youā€™ll be skillfully guided into your subconscious mind to dissolve the origins of your triggers, limiting beliefs + hidden blocks.

Weā€™ll deeply connect with your inner children, giving you the love you didnā€™t receive + activating the deeper meaning as to why youā€™ve experienced what you have...Ā that you can heal + open a portal to your own life purpose + awakenings

With this course, youā€™ll finally be able to feel:Ā 

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā āˆ†Ā  Free from anxiety

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā āˆ†Ā  Happy + whole

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā āˆ†Ā  Secure in your self-worth

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā āˆ†Ā  Deeply loved

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā āˆ†Ā  Connected from withinĀ 

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā āˆ†Ā  Confident with setting boundariesĀ 

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā āˆ†Ā  Ready to achieve greater success + follow your life purpose

Itā€™s time to dissolve the triggers + limitations that once held you back so you can begin enjoying more fulfilling + enriching relationships with others (+ yourselfĀ ), as well as achieving greater success in all areas of your life.


The Path to Healing Your Inner Child Course + Coming Home book includes:


āˆ† 12Ā Inner Child Healing Themes-Ā - mirrored in Coming Home book too

āˆ† 16 Different Deeply Encoded Inner Child Healing Videos that include step-by-step guidance from Jen + her multidimensional tools + techniques tailored to each specific theme.Ā 

Each healing video will guide you skillfully into your subconscious mind to the actual origins of your trauma + programming where youā€™ll be guided through dissolving these wounds + healing your inner child.Ā Ā Ā 

āˆ† A Downloadable Written Guide to accompany each healing theme. Each healing will have practical steps you can take for that theme to enhance your healing + integrate the energetic shifts into your daily life.Ā Ā 
āˆ† A Collection of Encoded Mantras for each theme to help re-write your template + anchor in your new, up-levelled state of being.

Coming Home: The Path to Healing Your Inner Child digital book

A self healers guide in written, digital form where Jen candidly shares how she healed from a childhood filled with emotional +Ā physical trauma to later becoming a global leader in traumaĀ healing +Ā ushering in a paradigm shift in the realmĀ of inner child healing.

Coming Home contains an oasis of healing, encoded messages +Ā is presented in an easy-to-follow format with bite sized practical guidance.

Jen also shares step-by-step processes for the 12 different primary inner child healing themes, which mirror those within her digital course +Ā the Jen Peters Multidimensional Healing Systemā„¢.

You'll also find wisdom sprinkled throughout Coming Home geared toward supporting parents to better see + support their children using Jen's techniques.

Healing Theme 1: Heal The Emotional Abandonment Wound

Outcome Included:

Dissolve the anxiousness, avoidance + loneliness deep within.Ā  Instead, feel secure, soothed + deeply connected.

Healing Theme 2: Dissolve Your Anxious Attachment

Outcome Included:

Dissolve your anxiety + the drive to chase love + accept crumbs. Instead feel calm, confident + secure + enjoy calling forward emotionally available people into your life.

Healing Theme 3: Dissolve Your Avoidant Dismissive Attachment 

Outcome Included:

Feel more open + at ease connecting deeply with yourself, your children + others.

Healing Theme 4: Dissolve Feeling Not Good Enough + The Need to Prove Yourself

Outcome Included:

Finally, stand solid within yourself knowing that you are more than enough, you always were + you always will be.

Healing Theme 5: Stand Confidently in Your Self-Worth

Outcome Included:

No longer settle for less, instead awaken + embody your self-worth within yourself, your relationships + career.

Healing Theme 6: Dissolve Self Abandonment + People Pleasing

Outcome Included:

Identify the ways in which you self abandon, dissolve them + no longer entertain relationships where self abandonment is required.

Healing Theme 7: Dissolve Feeling Unloved + Unloveable

Outcome Included:

Learn how to become your own source of love + you’ll soon begin drawing people into your life who also love themselves + are capable of loving you back.

Healing Theme 8: Dissolve Your Shame

Outcome Included:

Dissolve the shame hidden deep within you + set yourself free.

Healing Theme 9: Establish + Uphold Healthy Boundaries with Confidence

Outcome Included:

Identify + dissolve the blocks keeping you from setting boundaries. Develop the skills to communicate your boundaries with confidence.

Healing Theme 10: Speak Your Truth with Confidence

Outcome Included:

Dissolve hidden blocks + beliefs so you’re able to confidently speak up, advocating for yourself + the things + people you care most about.

Healing Theme 11: Feeling Safe, Secure + Protected Within Yourself

Outcome Included:

Dissolve past traumas so you’re able to finally feel safe, secure + protected within your body + your environment.

Healing Theme 12: Heal Past Rejections

Outcome Included:

No longer be held back by the underlying fear of rejection. Instead feel confident + worthy within yourself + how you show up.

Healing the Lonely Inner Child

Outcome Included:

Dissolve the loneliness deep within so youā€™re more connected with yourself, with others and finally feel seen, heard and understood.

Healing Self Sabotage

Outcome Included:

No longer sabotage yourself, your relationships, friendships or opportunities, instead feel confident + inspired about embracing the goodness thatā€™s meant for you.

Energetic Cord Cutting + Upgrade

Outcome Included:

No longer carry the energetic frequency or contracts of that which no longer serve you, instead be free to move forward with confidence and ease.Ā  Youā€™ll also upgrade your chakra system and activate a higher version of you.

Return to Your Body + Reconnect With Yourself

Outcome Included:

Reconnect with the parts of you that have been frozen, numb or dissociated and fully ground so you feel more present, grounded and able to fully participate in your life rather than watching from the side-lines.





VALUE $144

This 100% customizable guided healing has been especially created for the Path to Healing Your Inner Child Course with the intention of dissolving + healing any trigger that comes up in your daily life. This healing follows the Jen Peters Multidimensional Healing Approach.



VALUE $133

This guided healing dissolves anxiety, fully ground to the crystalline grid + upgrade your chakras. Jen will skillfully guide you through calling your dissociated energy back into your physical body, dissolving anxiety, grounding to the crystalline grid + upgrading your chakras with 5th dimensional healing + encoded crystals.Ā 

Youā€™ll feel more emotionally balanced, stress free, present, whole, grounded + at peace as well as experiencing the MAGICAL activations that await you followingĀ 

your chakra upgrades!



VALUE $297

Ā This potent course is a 12 week journey to dissolve codependency, anxiety + insecurity so you can finally feel secure, confident + happy within yourself + your relationships. This course is the result of literally thousands of hours + years of serving my one-on-one clients within my global private practice.Ā 

“Yes, Jen! I’m ready to heal my inner child at my own pace!”

I know Iā€™ll receive:

  • Deeply Encoded Healings Infused with the Key to Unlock the Transformations + Activations That Are Available for MeĀ 
  • 16 Guided Inner Child Healing Videos Infused with Multidimensional Tools + Techniques VALUE $1997
  • Coming Home The Path to Healing Your Inner Child digital bookĀ Ā 
  • Downloadable Guide with Practical Steps to Further Support + Integrate MyĀ Healing for Each Healing Video - VALUE $222
  • A Collection of Encoded Mantras For Each Healing Video to Enhance MyĀ Healing + Integrate the Energetic Shifts - VALUE $222
  • Bonus #1: Heal Any Trigger Customizable Guided Healing - VALUE $144
  • Bonus #2: Release Anxiety, Align + Upgrade Chakras + Ground - VALAUE $133
  • Bonus #3: Complete Dissolving Codependency Course for Self HealersĀ - VALUE $297

This potent Path to Healing Your Inner Child course will guide me through my healing journey + I will:

  • Go from trying to fix myself to dissolving my inner child trauma, hidden blocks, + triggers
  • Deeply heal my inner children so I can receive the love, connection + care I deserve
  • Set boundaries in my life, relationships + career with ease, trust + confidence
  • Finally experience deep connection in relationships, love, freedom + self mastery in all areas of my life!Ā 

Here's how to get started in the Path to Healing Your Inner Child Course:

The Path to Healing Your Inner Child Course is available for a limited time at this special rate

Ā Investment: $3015Ā $497Ā 

(payment plans available)

I created this self-paced Inner Child Course because I want to make this work accessible to those who want to heal on a much deeper level but who donā€™t have access to me 1:1.Ā 

For those who are ready + determined to heal, yet donā€™t have a plan to guide them through the intricacies that are involved with deep healing work...

This self paced course is a wonderful way for you to receive the benefits of me guiding you through an intricate process thatā€™s been refined with over 11,000 hours of facilitating deep inner child healing...
You wonā€™t pay anywhere near the $5000 per programĀ for my bespoke 1:1 services because I want this to be an easy ā€œYes!ā€ for you to start making immediate shifts in your healing journey. You absolutely deserve to heal.


Testimonials From Others Who Have Experienced Jen Peter’s Healing Approach


“Working with Jen has been nothing short of life changing. Before starting my healing journey I was completely isecure, filled with self-doubt and completely stuck in my story. Working with Jen has allowed me to transcend my past childhood traumas and really take charge of my life.  I have a new understanding of the world around me and I know I have the power to overcome anything that comes my way, instead of writhing around in self doubt like I did for so many years.”

Natasha, New Zealand


Working with Jen Peters has accelerated my personal growth and deepened my understanding of myself.  It has enabled me to clear debilitating, life long patterns and limiting beliefs at a rapid pace. 

I feel more calm, peace and trust and my outer reality is falling into place as my inner world aligns. Thank you Jen Peters for the important work that you do.

Pamela, Finance Professional, Western Australia


Jen helped me release a lot of fear, shame and guilt. Working with Jen has been life-changing. Jen also helped me heal the abandonment wounds that have been affecting me and my relationships for 30 years. I’ve started speaking my truth and grown courage to stand out and be my true self - not the watered down version.  

I feel so much better about myself and my self worth which is such a great feeling. I would totally recommend working with Jen, she is a lovely soul with a warm motherly like energy.  

Tony, Gold Coast



I’ve been working with Jen for the past few months and I can honestly say it’s been life changing. While I’ve dabbled in inner child and shadow work before and done a ton of therapy - this is the first time, with Jens guidance, I was able to tap into the depths of my psyche and get to my real core issues.

Jen has a way of helping you connect with your inner children that is disarming and empowering. She has a gift for helping you say just the right words to soothe and heal your inner children and dissolve any blockages or limiting beliefs that are getting in your way.  Jen helped me connect with my inner children and give them what they always needed but never got.

I feel a lot more in tune with my inner children now and have removed a lot of blockages and I’ve experienced big shifts in my life - especially attracting the relationship of my dreams. 

Peter, New York

ā€œPath to Healing Your Inner Child Course ā€œTest + Applyā€ Guarantee"

These proven methods for healing your inner child + dissolving deep trauma have been tested for more than 9 years + over 11000 hours in my 1:1 sessions.

These healings work + theyā€™ll help you feel more secure in your self-worth, connected from within, deeply loved + aligned with your highest potential - if youā€™re ready + committed to do the work inside the course.

I guarantee youā€™ll be satisfied with your results if you do the work. That being said, I'll happily refund you within 28 days of the purchase date, only requiring that you show that you did in fact complete at least 2 modules.Ā 

This course is for you if youā€™re ready to heal at a much deeper level + are determined to do the deeper work, following a step-by-step healing process led by Jen to unlock the healing, transformation + purpose that is meant for you.Ā 

Your Path to Healing Your Inner Child Self-Paced Course is ready for instant access. Once you sign up, youā€™ll have lifetime access to these expansive resources + can get started right away.

My intention is to guide you with these multidimensional tools so you can dissolve the layers that donā€™t serve you + arenā€™t yours to carry + finally stand solid in your self-worth. So you can rediscover the MAGIC of who you are + finally feel whole, loved + complete within yourself.

Start Healing Today

Pay at Once

US $497

Lifetime Access

Ā Pay up front and save 25%



Payment Plan

US $177/m

Lifetime Access

3 Monthly Payments of $177

Save 19%


Extended Payment Plan

US $55/m

Lifetime Access

12 Monthly Payments of just $55



This potent Path to Healing Your Inner Child course will guide you through your healing journey + youā€™ll receive:Ā 

  • Deeply Encoded Healings Infused with the Key to Unlock the Transformations + Activations That Are Available for YouĀ 
  • 16 Guided Healing Videos Infused with Multidimensional Tools + Techniques - VALUE $1997
  • Coming Home The Path to Healing Your Inner Child digital bookĀ 
  • Downloadable Guides with Practical Steps to Further Support + Integrate Your Healing for Each Healing Video - VALUE $222
  • A Collection of Encoded Mantras For Each Healing Video to Enhance Your Healing + Integrate the Energetic Shifts - VALUE $222
  • Bonus #1: Heal Any Trigger Customizable Guided Healing - VALUE $144
  • Bonus #2: Release Anxiety, Align + Upgrade Chakras + Ground - VALUE $133
  • Bonus #3: Ā Complete Dissolving Codependency Course for Self Healers - VALUE $297




The Path to Healing Your Inner Child Course is only available for a limited time at this special rate.Ā 


Investment: $3015Ā $497 Ā (payment plans available)

I created this self-paced Inner Child Course because I want to make this work accessible to those who want to heal on a much deeper level but who donā€™t have access to me 1:1.Ā 

For those who are ready + determined to heal, yet do not have a plan to guide them through the intricacies that are involved with deep healing work.

This self paced course is a wonderful way for you to receive the benefits of me guiding you through an intricate process thatā€™s been refined with over 11,000 hours of facilitating deep inner child healingā€¦

You wonā€™t pay anywhere near the $5000 per programĀ for my bespoke 1:1 services because I want this to be an easy ā€œYes!ā€ for you to start making immediate shifts in your healing journey. You absolutely deserve to heal.




Working with Jen has been transformational. I am a recovering alcoholic of 30 years and have come to understand that my mother was a narcissist and my father codependent. All my long term relationships have been with narcissists.

Jen’s approach is holistic, intuitive and thorough. I no longer suffer from continual anxiety, instead I’m calm. Working with Jen has been absolutely extraordinary and wonderful! I am extremely grateful.  

Paul, London


Working with Jen has been one of the most remarkable things I have ever done in my life!  I was following her on Instagram and I knew deep inside one day we would connect and when we finally did the results were spectacular.  

The inner child work we’ve done has transformed my life. I cannot praise Jen enough for her compassion and highly intuitive and transformative approach. I trusted Jen to take me to the darkest parts of my soul and when I went there, I saw the light. 

I am forever grateful for her skillful guidance and am so honored to have met her on my journey. 

Ania, UK

The Path to Healing Your Inner Child Course is NOT For You If...

  • You want to remain stuckĀ 
  • Youā€™re not ready to step into your power
  • Youā€™re looking for someone or something else to ā€œfixā€ youĀ 
  • Youā€™re not willing to look at your triggers, dysfunctional patterns + hidden blocks

The Path to Healing Your Inner Child Course is PERFECTĀ For You Ifā€¦

  • Youā€™re tired of feeling emotionally triggered + youā€™re ready to dissolve your trauma on a deep subconscious levelĀ 
  • Youā€™re ready to connect with + heal your inner child
  • Youā€™re ready to break free from traumatic cycles of codependency + narcissistic abuse
  • Youā€™re ready to finally dissolve the hidden blocks that have been holding you back
  • Youā€™re willing to show up + work on yourself, even when itā€™s uncomfortable
  • You want to feel supported + youā€™re ready to open a new portal to healing + awakening
  • Youā€™re ready to unlock + embody your highest potential


Ā Only available for a limited time at this special rate.


Investment: $3015Ā $497

I created this self-paced Inner Child Course because I want to make this work accessible to those who want to heal on a much deeper level but who donā€™t have access to me 1:1.Ā 

For those who are ready + determined to heal, yet do not have a plan to guide them through the intricacies that are involved with deep healing work.Ā 

This self paced course is a wonderful way for you to receive the benefits of me guiding you through an intricate process thatā€™s been refined with over 9,000 hours of facilitating deep inner child healing...

You wonā€™t pay anywhere near the $500 per session for my 1:1 service because I want this to be an easy ā€œYes!ā€ for you to start making immediate shifts in your healing journey. You absolutely deserve to heal.


A Final Love Note from Jen

I honor you for taking the time to connect with me here if youā€™re still reading.

I see you + I want you to know that itā€™s absolutely possible for you to heal fully + experience life well beyond your hidden blocks, trauma + patterns + conditioning.

Iā€™ve poured my heart + soul into this program, because so many self healers have the desire, determination + capacity to heal, but the process is intricate. This is one of the reasons why you may feel so alone on this journey. Itā€™s the #1 reason youā€™ll experience the emotional ups + downs or the frustration of ā€œshowing up to do the work,ā€ yet feeling like you take 1 step forward + 3 steps back.

This program is the result of over 11,000 hours of guiding my 1:1 clientele into deep healing work. Itā€™s this same process that I guide you through, to access your subconscious mind + dissolve your inner child trauma. The techniques I use have been refined + re-refined over the last 9 years within my global healing practice, so the healing tools + modalities youā€™re getting in this program are the ones that I know work+ have already helped thousands around the world to heal + transcend limitations.

Looking back to my own journey + those of my clients, it gives me so much joy to be able to share this process with you. Self-healing at this time in our collective is now more important than everā€¦

Because healing at this depth has the power to shift + uplevel your entire experience on this planet + even repair generations both past + present in the most powerful ways.

If you feel ready to finally heal + to feel whatā€™s on the other side of loneliness, anxiety or overwhelm while trying to navigate this intricate self healing process, Iā€™m here to support you.

I invite you to let me guide you. Together we will meet, heal + dissolve your inner child trauma so you can step into your fullest experiences in love, life, career + purpose.

Much love, Jen xo

Jen Peters