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Welcome! Iā€™m excited toĀ connect with you!
Much love, Jen xo
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What do you do for a career?
Tell me a bit about yourself and what youā€™re struggling with the most right now?
If you could wave a magic wand, what changes would you LOVE to experience?
If it's a fit for you to start working with Jen, would you be ready to start within the next 2 - 3 weeks? In urgent circumstances Jen may be able to see you sooner, please indicate below if you need to get started sooner.
Best + long lasting results are seen within a deeper program consisting of several 1:1 sessions, remote healings, bespoke audios + between session support directly with Jen. If it's a fit, the investment to heal with Jen 1:1 ranges from $3,330 USD to $5,000 USD. Jen also offers self-paced courses specifically created to meet the needs of our self-healing community.
$222 - $500 Self Paced Course for Self Healers
$3,330 - $5,000 I'm ready for the Full Immersion 1:1 with Jen!
Whichever option fits my unique needs the best
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